
In this section you will learn how to get detailed information about available wifi networks, interfaces and connections:

For function reference and examples we assume, that we imported systeminformation as follows:

const si = require('systeminformation');

Wifi Networks

All functions in this section return a promise or can be called with a callback function (parameter cb in the function reference)

Function Result object Linux BSD Mac Win Sun Comments
si.wifiNetworks(cb) [{...}] X X (X) X X array of available wifi networks
since macOS Sonoma 14.4 not available
[0].ssid X (X) X Wifi network SSID
[0].bssid X (X) X BSSID (mac)
[0].mode X mode
[0].channel X (X) X channel
[0].frequency X (X) X frequency in MHz
[0].signalLevel X (X) X signal level in dB
[0].quality X (X) X quality in %
[0].security X (X) X array e.g. WPA, WPA-2
[0].wpaFlags X (X) X array of WPA flags
[0].rsnFlags X array of RDN flags
const si = require('systeminformation');
si.wifiNetworks().then(data => console.log(data));
    ssid: 'INTERNAL-WIFI',
    bssid: 'ab:01:14:4f:d3:82',
    mode: '',
    channel: 44,
    frequency: 5220,
    signalLevel: -68,
    quality: 64,
    security: [ 'WPA', 'WPA2' ],
    wpaFlags: [ 'PSK/TKIP/TKIP', 'PSK/AES/TKIP' ],
    rsnFlags: []
    ssid: 'FREE Wifi',
    bssid: 'aa:14:e5:16:97:f3',
    mode: '',
    channel: 44,
    frequency: 5220,
    signalLevel: -50,
    quality: 100,
    security: [ 'WPA', 'WPA2' ],
    wpaFlags: [ 'PSK/TKIP/TKIP', 'PSK/AES/TKIP' ],
    rsnFlags: []

Wifi Interfaces

All functions in this section return a promise or can be called with a callback function (parameter cb in the function reference)

Function Result object Linux BSD Mac Win Sun Comments
si.wifiInterfaces(cb) [{...}] X X X array of detected wifi interfaces
[0].id X X X Wifi ID
[0].iface X X X interface
[0].model X X X model
[0].vendor X X X vendor
[0].mac X X X interface MAC
const si = require('systeminformation');
si.wifiInterfaces().then(data => console.log(data));
    id: 'Wi-Fi',
    iface: 'en0',
    model: 'AirPort',
    vendor: '',
    mac: 'a0:b1:c2:d3:e4:f5'

Wifi Connections

All functions in this section return a promise or can be called with a callback function (parameter cb in the function reference)

Function Result object Linux BSD Mac Win Sun Comments
si.wifiConnections(cb) [{...}] X X X array of active wifi connections
[0].id X X X Wifi ID
[0].iface X X X interface
[0].model X X X model
[0].ssid X X X Wifi network SSID
[0].bssid X (X) X BSSID (mac) - macOS only on older os versions
[0].channel X X X channel
[0].frequency X X X frequency
[0].type X X X WiFi type
[0].security X X X WiFi security
[0].signalLevel X X X signal level in dB
[0].quality X X X signal level quality in %
[0].txRate X X X transfer rate Mbit/s
const si = require('systeminformation');
si.wifiConnections().then(data => console.log(data));
    id: 'Wi-Fi',
    iface: 'en0',
    name: 'AirPort',
    model: 'AirPort',
    ssid: 'my-own-internet',
    bssid: '01:23:45:67:89:0a',  // no longer supported on newer macOS versions
    channel: 36,
    frequency: 5180,
    type: '802.11',
    security: 'wpa2-psk',
    signalLevel: 46,
    txRate: '405'